
Cyber Monday Marked The Biggest Online Shopping Day Of All Time

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USA News November 29, 2022
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Cyber Monday Marked The Biggest Online Shopping Day Of All Time
Cyber Monday Marked The Biggest Online Shopping Day Of All Time
According to Adobe Digital Insights, Cyber Monday saw a record high of $11.3 billion in online spending. This figure marks the biggest online shopping day of all time and is a nearly 6% increase over last year. The high expenditure was driven by the toy category, where sales surged 684% compared to an average day last month and strong demand for electronics and computers. 

 Cyber Week saw $35.27 billion in spending, up 4% from last year, while Black Friday and Thanksgiving also saw record online spending at $9.12 billion and $5.29 billion, respectively. Overall, consumers have spent $107.7 billion online between Nov 1 - 28, 8.7% more than last year. Adobe predicts that this number will reach $210.1 million by Dec 31st.
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