
The Waking Of A Ten Thousand Pound Drunk Passed Out In Your Yard

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USA News November 11, 2022
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The Waking Of A Ten Thousand Pound Drunk Passed Out In Your Yard
The Waking Of A Ten Thousand Pound Drunk Passed Out In Your Yard
Wildlife officials had to be called in to help a group of elephants in India that got drunk from eating fermented flowers from pots.  

 The elephants were found passed out in a field, and the villagers could not wake them. It's unclear how much alcohol the elephants consumed, but the wildlife officials eventually revived them. 

 The elephants love the fruit from which the drink is made and have been seen intoxicated in the past, so, likely, this won't be the last time they get drunk from ingesting the plants.

Photo Courtesy: Envato Elements #8FYXAWT4ZL
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