Levi Lascsak Discover How We Made $1M In Commissions Our First Year In Real Estate👇👇👇 www.thereelagents.com
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
DOB: 1979
On December 5th, 2020, Levi made his debut on YouTube as a real estate agent. Despite having no home sales under his belt in 2020 or the first quarter of 2021, he teamed up with Travis Plumb, and they were able to close their first two transactions through their YouTube channel in April 2021. From there, they experienced tremendous success, completing a total of 164 transactions, generating $90 million in production and $2.7 million in commissions over the next year, all without spending any money on advertising for their channel.
Today, Levi and Travis own the most popular and fastest-growing real estate YouTube channel in Dallas, Texas, and receive an average of 3-5 inbound leads per day.
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