Cayman Cigars Unveils "Seed to Cigar" Campaign, Offering a Glimpse Into the Artistry of Handcrafted Tobacco
Nationwide - January 25, 2024 ( - Cayman Cigars is thrilled to launch its "Seed to Cigar" campaign, offering enthusiasts a unique glimpse into the artistry of handcrafted tobacco. As the world's first nonprofit cigar manufacturing company, Cayman Cigars, in collaboration with Beacon Farms, presents more than just a showcase of craftsmanship; it's a story of resilience and innovation, blending philanthropy with cigar manufacturing.
Rooted in Beacon Farms' commitment to supporting individuals in recovery from substance abuse and venturing into agriculture, Cayman Cigars emerged as a revolutionary force in the industry. The campaign unfolds the intricacies of the cigar-making process, beginning with Beacon Farms' limestone-rich soil, meticulous additives, and compost, creating an ideal environment for premium cigar tobacco cultivation. The use of authentic Cuban seed adds an extra layer of authenticity to the Cayman Cigars experience, coupled with a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.
The "Seed to Cigar" campaign promises exclusive behind-the-scenes insights into the tilling, planting, and nurturing of tobacco plants, providing a front-row seat to the growth and transformation of 250 Connecticut Broadleaf and 250 Criollo 98 plants in Crop 2024. Follow Cayman Cigars on social media and website for monthly updates, offering an immersive experience into the meticulous care and passion invested in every stage of the cigar-making process.
Contact: Scott Haugh
Address: 333 North Falkenburg Rd. A-124, Tampa, FL 33619
Cell/What’s App: 1-206-713-3689
Email: [email protected]
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