Curated by renowned humor scientist and Las Vegas headliner, Matt Kazam, the Entrepreneur & CEO Stand-Up Challenge is a one-of-a-kind experience that merges the art of Stand-Up Comedy with the strategic mindset of high-level executives. Over a rigorous six-week program, participants immerse themselves in the science of joke writing and performance techniques, culminating in a captivating 12-15 minute stand-up routine on some of the biggest comedy stages.
The illustrious lineup of performers includes the original shark from the TV show Shark Tank & the inventor of the infomercial Kevin Harrington. Joining him are esteemed CEOs and founders such as Nick Friedman and Omar Soliman of College Hunks Hauling Junk, Kevin Curtis of NERP, Alison Friedman, Executive Director of the Carolina Performing Arts Center, Clayton Turner, a serial entrepreneur and investor, and Erica Dhawan, CEO of Cotential. These visionary leaders have embraced the challenge, showcasing their comedic talents and sharing their remarkable stories of triumph, failure, and everything in between.
Matt Kazam, the host and instructor of the program, explained the program's unique approach, stating, "The reason this program works so well is I am teaching real science to highly intelligent individuals who have an aptitude for learning. They easily recognize and interpret the patterns and formulas behind joke writing. Through this program, I can take them to a level that would typically take six years on their own, all while having an incredible amount of fun along the way."
The Entrepreneur & CEO Stand-Up Challenge satisfies a burning desire on the bucket lists of many top CEOs and entrepreneurs—a chance to perform Stand-Up Comedy. Whether driven by ego or a genuine interest in exploring new territories, these successful individuals embrace the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and experience personal growth through comedy. The fusion of storytelling and humor promises a captivating evening that melds the spirit of a TED Talk with the entertainment of a Stand-Up Comedy show.
"This program is not just about comedy; it's about transformation," says Kazam. "It's incredible to witness the personal growth and development that occurs when these remarkable individuals take the stage and make people laugh. The Entrepreneur & CEO Stand-Up Challenge is a testament to the power of the program and the extraordinary people who undertake it."
The Entrepreneur & CEO Stand-Up Challenge is generating buzz nationwide, and media outlets are eagerly invited to attend the event to explore why CEOs and entrepreneurs embrace stand-up comedy as a learning and growth experience. Interviews with Matt Kazam, the participants, and the organizers are available upon request.
Don't miss this remarkable evening of laughter, growth, and inspiration as high-level entrepreneurs and CEOs defy expectations and unleash their comedic talents. Tickets for the Entrepreneur & CEO Stand-Up Challenge are available at
Media Contact: Matt Kazam Comedy Scientist They Laugh, You Win (702) 510-8536 [email protected]