
The Many Faces of Alyson Tabbitha

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USA News March 27, 2023
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The Many Faces of Alyson Tabbitha

The Many Faces of Alyson Tabbitha

Alyson Tabbitha, thank you for joining us today and sharing a part of your life with us. 

You have a spellbinding talent for combining makeup and costumes. How did you get your start? Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say! I am not formally trained at all, for anything. I was actually homeschooled most of my life and spent a lot of time being creative.

When did you realize you were becoming a popular online influencer? My stuff was going viral before I even made public social media so I don’t think it really hit me until there was a 2 page article about my work. And a cover featured on a nationally distributed newspaper (the New York Post), and it was pretty cool.

Have you ever been approached for television or acting roles related to your niche talents? I have been approached many times, but so far it's all still "pending." Yes, I'd be interested, it's just really hard to get your foot in the door!

What are some of the ups and downs of achieving influencer fame and continuing success? Ups are definitely all the people and friends I've been able to connect with. And being able to make somewhat of a living doing what I love, and being creative.

The downside has been other people's reactions and treatment of you when you are perceived as successful. You almost lose your humanity and become more of a topic or tool. Even the people closest to you see you as having a perfect life just because of numbers online that are out of your control.

It makes it harder to celebrate your successes because it can cause a lot of jealousy / envy. I personally don't get it because I have never felt that way towards my friends, but I've experienced it more than I believe anyone should. It's really disheartening and isolating. I've learned to be my own best cheerleader.

What are your latest projects? I am always making new video tutorials, new cosplays, and doing new photoshoots. Currently I have an entirely new channel being built more centered around Interior design/crafting/cooking/lifestyle to branch out and share more of the things I love. And hopefully reach another audience with similar interests!

Do you plan on touring at any events/festivals for the rest of 2023? Last year, I traveled all around the US and to a few events in Europe. While I had an incredible time and have so many precious memories from the people I met, I am extremely burned out of traveling. I also have an elderly dog that, at the start of this year, got her leg amputated due to an aggressive bone cancer. So I really would love to spend as much time with her as possible and not stress her out by leaving every couple weeks. I may pop in for 2 or 3 events this year, we'll see!

Any other exciting work you are doing this year? The thing I am most excited about is starting this new channel, I know I may not have explained it super well, but it's something I've been planning out for 3 years and is finally being filmed. So, it's a big passion project. I don't know how successful it will be. But I also don't really care. Some things, most things, matter way more than numbers. And I hope I can offer a place where people can just take a breath of fresh air and chill for a bit.

The internet, for me, can be super overwhelming, and somewhat exhausting. So, I'm just really craving some calmness, and not everything being a huge production. I'm really excited about it. 

Alyson Tabbitha, You are absolutely amazing, and from what we have seen and read, we believe you can do anything you put your brilliant mind and effort to. Thank you for sharing your story with our readers. The USA News team wishes you the very best in all you do.

Photo Credit: Alyson Tabbitha

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