
How this school drop-out, who was a victim of parental abuse for many years made history and built 30+ SAAS products

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USA News PR September 19, 2023
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How this school drop-out, who was a victim of parental abuse for many years  made history and built  30+ SAAS products

There are people who think that their lives are not easy and give up dreaming and going after dreams.

And, there are people who fight with every kind of odds to achieve what they dream.

Meet Jon Vaughn, Founder & CEO of Tier5 Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd, who serves as an exemplary model of dedication, passion, and unyielding determination that any individual can aspire to.

Born in Florida, United States of America, Jon had an unstable childhood. His father was a preacher and frequently traveled in various places forcing Jon to leave his school in his childhood and opting for home school to satisfy his quest for learning. Jon liked science and technology from a very young age and wanted to learn more to understand the subjects. He started working in a factory at a very young age to support his family, where he came to know about the functionality of the various machines. Jon self-taught himself to repair the machines and in order to learn more about different aspects of machines and technology as a whole, he enrolled himself at the Indiana University, USA. However, Jon did not find happiness in the formal education system and dropped his study to pursue his career as a freelance software engineer.

With sheer passion and zeal, Jon started getting individual projects slowly but steadily. He visited Kolkata, India in 2015 for work, met Ms. Aunkita Nandi and both of them founded Tier5 in January 2016 as a service-based software company. Tier5 is a completely bootstrapped company, started with the investments from Jon and Aunkita. The company started from a small, cramped office space, without any clients. Gradually, through organic marketing in social media platforms, Tier5 started getting clients. During this time Jon conceptualized making a transition of Tier5 - from a service-based company to a product-based company. Six years down the line, Tier5 currently has over 30 software products that are loved by more than 15,000 customers globally.

Apart from planning for the entire R&D of software products, Jon is also the mastermind behind the blockchain-based cryptocurrency ecosystem named Mu Eco System.

Jon has been subjected to physical and sexual abuse for over 17 years by his own father, who used to beat him mercilessly almost everyday. Jon was diagnosed with Acrophobia (fear of heights) in his childhood and used to be beaten up often, which triggered this mental condition. However, this unbearable trauma of close to 2 long decades could not stop him from moving on and dreaming about a world blooming with love, friendship, and inclusivity. In fact, he made the initial dark days of his life the biggest source of strength in his life at a later stage.

“I don't let those experiences define me. I use them as fuel to succeed. Every time I face a challenge in my business, I think back to those days and remember that if I could survive that, I can survive anything.

So, what's your excuse? Are you going to let your past hold you back, or are you going to use it as a strength? It's up to you. But I know which one I choose.” says Jon, who continues to motivate people with his work and life.

To get in touch with Jon you can mail him at - [email protected]

To join the exclusive and premium Tier5 Partnership program, getting access to Tier5 products that are changing lives of thousands of entrepreneurs, enabling them to do effective organic marketing through Facebook, grow their businesses and earn money, click the link -

For getting a snapshot of the path-breaking Tier5 products, you can visit

For any further details, please contact- Rupanwita Roy PR Specialist Tier5 Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mob - +91 8017132128 Email - [email protected]


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