Full Potential Therapy to Showcase Community Partnerships
Northfield, MN - April 4, 2024 (USANews.com) - Full Potential Therapy is excited to announce their participation in the upcoming Community Market Fair on April 6th, 2024 from 9am to 3pm. The event will provide an opportunity for the therapy clinic to showcase their strong partnerships within the community.
In February, Full Potential Therapy hosted a meet-and-greet lunch for all Northfield Public School Service Providers. This initiative aimed to foster better collaboration and communication between therapists, psychologists, social workers, and physical therapists from various schools.
The event was a success, with occupational therapists and speech therapists from Full Potential Therapy connecting with their counterparts from Bridgewater, Spring Creek, Greenvale Park Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Community Programs. These connections have already proven beneficial for the shared clients/students, ensuring a full support system at home and school.
Additionally, Full Potential Therapy partnered with the National Honor Society High School Students of Northfield High School to organize two social events for their clients. The interaction with older role models was well-received by the kids, who are eager for more opportunities in the future.
The therapy center has also achieved significant milestones, with their celebration board in the lobby filled with client-focused goals met. Full Potential Therapy has been able to treat over 150 clients every week this year, highlighting their commitment to providing quality care.
Moving forward, Full Potential Therapy remains focused on building meaningful relationships with other service providers in the community. They plan to host more social gatherings for clients and parent groups to further enhance their support network.
For more information about Full Potential Therapy and their services, visit www.fullpotentialtherapyllc.com.
Full Potential Therapy Phone: (507) 321-8695 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fullpotentialtherapyllc.com###